Sacramento Vending Services | Bottled Water | Employee Health

Still vs. Sparkling: What Water is Best for Sacramento Employee Health

There is great debate over the benefits of still and sparkling water. While water is great for employee health and hydration, is one better? Does the carbonation make the water less hydrating? Is still water better for you? Legend Vending pulled together some facts in this blog about still and sparkling water. That way you can make an informed decision on what is healthiest for you to drink. And what types of water options to include in your employee break room.

Taste and Texture Can Boost Employee Health

To reap the benefits of water, first, you need to drink it. For some people, this is easy. To them, water tastes great just as it is. They enjoy a glass straight from the break room tap. Others might enjoy still water if it’s chilled, like the bottles in Sacramento cold beverage vending machines.

Other people find still water, regardless of what state it’s in, to be flat and tasteless. If still water is the only option, they are likely to drink something else. Enter sparkling water. The bubbles give water a different mouth feel. Carbonation is fizzy and a bit tangy. Plus, there are also lots of naturally flavored sparkling waters. The beverage coolers in your Sacramento micro-market might have LaCroix, Bubly, Polar Springs, or other sparkling water options.

The better taste and mouth feel can encourage people to drink more water. That means, offering it in your break room could promote hydration. That boosts employee health and well-being too.

Employee Health is All About Hydration

So why exactly is drinking water so good for you? There are many reasons, but the broadest is that water replenishes your body. It refills fluids used as you think, eat, digest, sleep, move, talk, blink, etc. That makes it an all-around great thing to drink. There’s research that being hydrated can even improve concentration and boost mood. In addition, drinking water doesn’t add calories, sugar, or artificial additives (in most cases) to your daily total. That’s a win for anyone watching their weight and diet.

But does the carbonation affect how hydrating water is? The answer is no. According to the Associated Press fact-checking and Healthline, sparkling water is just as hydrating as still water. The bubbles make no difference in how the body takes in the water.

Sacramento Micro-Markets | Water Filtration | Employee Health

There may actually be an advantage to sparkling water. For some people, it can aid in digestion by making them feel full. That makes it a great option for employees trying to manage their weight in order to meet wellness goals. And as we mentioned earlier, many people prefer the taste.

For some people, carbonation can cause discomfort or even an upset stomach. Still water is the best option for these members of your team. We suggest a water filtration service to bring the best still water options to your break room. We can customize it to your break room space. Plus, the water is available on-demand via a tap, hot and cold. It can also be used to boost your Sacramento office coffee and tea service.

The Choice Comes Down to Personal Preference

In the end, the choice of sparkling water or still water comes down to personal preference. If you like the crispness and fizz of a sparkling option, it’s a healthy beverage choice. But if you like the pure, smoothness of still water, that’s excellent too. Choose the option that helps you drink the most water and reap those water benefits!

Interested in getting water options in your Sacramento break room? It’s time to contact Legend Vending. We have not just still and sparkling water solutions, but other services that will upgrade your break room. Call us today at (916) 832-5222. We look forward to working together.

Sacramento Vending Snacks | Office Fresh Food Variety | Break Room Options

Yes, It Is Possible to Get Healthy Product Variety in Your Sacramento Break Room

Being healthy means different things to different people. That’s especially true when it comes to snacks. In our busy Sacramento workplaces, it’s important to have a variety of snacks that everyone can enjoy. So, let us show you how you can make your break room a healthier and happier place. We’ll talk about healthy vending machines, micro-markets, cool water, and drinks. Keep reading for everything you need to know!

Healthy Vending Machines

Picture having a Sacramento snack machine at work that’s not just tasty but also good for you! That’s what a healthy vending machine does. These machines have snacks and drinks that are better for you, available 24/7. You can choose from granola bars, nuts, jerky, low-calorie snacks, bottled water, popcorn, baked chips, and dried fruit. Sacramento vending machines are a great way to get healthy goodies right where you work.

Micro-Market Full of Variety

Now, think about a snack place that’s even cooler than a vending machine – it’s called a micro-market. A Sacramento micro-market is like a tiny store in your break room, with lots of room for healthy options. It’s perfect for different diets, like Keto or Vegan. You can check out the labels before you buy, and there are even fresh salads and fruits. Plus, it’s open all the time with a self-checkout kiosk, so you can grab a snack whenever you need one.

Sacramento Micro-Markets | Filtered Water | Coffee Service Variety

Customizable Water and Bottled Drinks

Staying hydrated is super important, and it can be fun too! You can have water that’s not boring by using our Sacramento water filtration service. Some filters even let you add bubbles and flavors to your water. Imagine having your very own customized drink! If you prefer, you can also support everyone’s health by having bottled drinks. You can get them from a vending machine or order them in bulk from us to offer in the break room.

Ensure Variety With Legend Vending Break Room Services

In Sacramento, Legend Vending knows that having a healthy workplace is important. We can make it easy to have a healthier break room with healthy vending machines and micro-markets. It’s not just about having good snacks – it’s about creating a place where everyone can choose what is good for them. Employee wellness also makes work a better and happier place. So, yes, we can put a variety of healthy snacks in your Sacramento break room, and it’s a win for everyone!

Contact Legend Vending today at (916) 832-5222 to chat about how you can invest in the health of your team. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Sacramento Coffee Service | Creamer Flavor | Single-Cup Coffee

Healthy Flavor Trends to Add to Your Sacramento Office Coffee Service

Cold weather is the perfect time to try new coffee flavor trends. As the temperatures drop, employees want to cozy up with coffee or hot tea. This warms them from the inside out. Hot drinks also set the mood for the holidays. Festive flavored creamers, like peppermint, spread joy. Plus, some flavors even benefit your health, so they’re the perfect addition to your Sacramento office coffee service.

Wondering what seasonal flavors to try? These three options promote health and holiday cheer!

1. Add Some Zing with Peppermint

Peppermint is the perfect holiday flavor. It’s just like a candy cane in a cup. This flavor is also creamy and refreshing. Therefore, it’s a great morning pick-me-up. This drink is also healthy. It can soothe upset stomachs, relieve headaches, and even kill germs in your mouth.

Offer peppermint-flavored coffee creamers in your Sacramento break room. Employees can feel their best while enjoying a festive setting. Legend Vending offers dairy and non-dairy options. Thus, you can offer creamers for everybody.

Or, put a bowl of candy canes on the counter. Coworkers can swirl them in their coffee. They can also buy peppermint candy from your Sacramento vending machines. It’s a quick and easy holiday treat!

2. Cinnamon Flavor Smells Like Fall

Another healthy flavor to offer is cinnamon. This reminds everyone of fall and winter. That’s because cinnamon is a popular ingredient in holiday cookies and pies. Cinnamon not only tastes good, but it’s also good for you. For example, cinnamon may help to fight the flu and it can support gut health. Did you know that cinnamon is used to improve dental hygiene too? Yep, that’s right!

Sacramento Micro-Market | Vending Services | Water Filtration

Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon on your coffee. It’s also the perfect topper for hot tea or cocoa. Want to ensure the spicy flavors shine through? Ask Legend Vending about our Sacramento water filtration service. You can attach it directly to your water line. Our systems offer both hot and cold water. Thus, employees can add fresh water to hot drinks.

3. Cocoa Is a Great Flavor for Non-Coffee Drinkers

Not everyone is a fan of coffee. Thus, offer hot cocoa in your Sacramento break room. This way, everyone can warm up with a tasty hot beverage. Cocoa is as good as it smells and tastes. Why? For starters, it can improve blood flow. Cocoa may also lower blood pressure. Lastly, it can improve brain function. This can help employees stay sharp.

Keep a shaker full of cocoa powder in the break room. Or, offer cocoa sprinkles. Employees can also buy cocoa in the form of chocolate from a vending machine or Sacramento micro-market. It instantly satisfies any sweet tooth.

Legend Vending Is Your One-Stop Shop for Healthy Coffee Flavors

Want to stock up on fall and winter flavors? Contact Legend Vending today. We have everything you need to improve your office coffee and tea service. Ask us about our single-cup brewers to our holiday-flavored creamers.

Call us today at (916) 832-5222 to learn more about our office coffee, vending, water filtration, micro-market services, and even healthy options. We’re excited to hear from you!